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Museum & Tearoom:
7 days a week 10am-4pm

*Please check facebook/instagram for the most up to date info

Dimbola is very grateful to those who give objects to our collection. As an Arts Council England Accredited Museum, we are obliged to make sure that acquisitions are in line with our collection policy, and that we have the resources to conserve and store each object properly. As a result, it is not always possible for us to accept donations of objects. However, in the event that we cannot accommodate your gift, we may be able to suggest an alternative recipient, so please do contact us if you have something you would like to give.

If you have anything you would like to donate to the museum for our collectoin please fill in and return to our Collection Donation Form along with a photograph of the object/s and email to or by post Dimbola Museum & Galleries, Terrace Lane, Freshwater Bay, PO409QE.
We will then consider the suitability of a potential acquisition as quickly as possible. Please do not send in the object itself.**Please note unfortunately we unable to accept camera donations/equipments at the moment**

Please do not bring or send unsolicited objects to the museum.

Our priorities for future collecting are:

Original and/or unique objects, books and papers relating to, associated with and illustrating the life and works of Julia Margaret Cameron, including her influences and those she influenced and objects illustrative of her cultural legacy.

Original and/or unique objects, books and papers relating to the life and works of those people who formed a part of the ‘Freshwater Circle’ and objects illustrative of the cultural legacy of this group.

Original and/or unique objects, books and papers relating to the history of the building(s) now known as Dimbola , which, for the avoidance of doubt, includes the use of the property as a museum.

Original and/or unique objects, books and papers relating to and illustrating the development of photography (including both camera and darkroom equipment and techniques, but excluding cinematography) from its beginning to date, including the use of historical photographic techniques. Please note, we have a large collection of cameras and currently only collecting a small number of particular examples, please contact us for details. We do not collect items related to cinematography.

Original and/or unique objects, books and papers relating to the artistic, social & cultural history of the West Wight from Julia Margaret Cameron’s time to the present day.

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